Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Running for 2013

Well, its been a long time since I posted about my running, mostly because I haven't been much a runner lately.

In 2012 I ran 4 5Ks. The Wine Country 5K in Paso Robles CA which I ran in 31:52, at a 10:16 pace. I came in 11th in my age range and 48th overall for women. This was a really fun 5K and Traver and I did it together! Traver kicked butt! He ran it in 20:17 at a 6:32 pace. He was second in his age group and 4th for the men! So cool to do a race like this with him!!!We  had a lot of friends do the half marathon, and we got to go wine tasting with a bunch of them after which was awesome!

The second 5K I did was the Color Me Rad in Fresno. Now if you know anything about this race you know its a fun run, not so much a 'race'! We were a huge mess and covered covered covered in color, but it was so fun!!!! Myself and several of my Lady Aces ran/walked it together! It was so great to go out as a group and do something active and fun. We even made shirts with our hubby's call signs on them and ran it for them! It was so much fun!!!!

The third 5K was the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in Reno NV. I ran this with old race group from 2011 (Mom, Renee, Amy, and PJ) and it was so fun to get all dressed up in pink and run for a cure for breast cancer. I ran this race in 31:14 and at a 10:04 pace. This was an awesome race. We ran around the Grand Sierra Resort up at Reno and it was so great! Such a great cause and such a great race!

My fourth 5K of 2012 was the Goblin's Gallop. I ran this with Jess and Hanna (and by ran, I mean walked haha). It was an early morning, small town run in Lemoore (where we live) and as we were all rather tired we decided to enjoy the walk more than trying to run the whole thing. It was fun and a good way to get out and get active, but definitely not a big race!

NOW into 2013!!!!! I have been really really running this year. So far I have done 2 5Ks and I have another 2 in the next month.

I ran the Super Bowl Sprint in Visalia CA. I ran this with two of my Lady Aces and had so much fun! It was of course stupid early and very very foggy! It was so cold and clammy the whole time. By the end I felt like I had been swimming haha. The race was good, but unfortunately the course was a little short. At least according to my gps app on my phone and my knowledge of my pace... But none the less here are the 'race' results. Time 29:33, pace 9:32... now as I said this is not a super accurate time. According to my app it was only 2.88 miles in that time. But still officially, it was a PR, but I dont count it as such.

I did the graffiti 5K last weekend with Jess, and again its a fun run, not so much a race. So it was more about just enjoying some exercise and having a good time!

Now this coming weekend I have the Wine Country 5K again and I am really excited about it! I am hoping to actually PR on this one and will post about that one when I get home! Cant wait to see how I do!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Running update!

It's 2011 and time for new goals and ambitions in terms of my running!

But first, I want to go over all that happened this past year. Just before Christmas of 2009 my mom and her girlfriends decided we would run a half marathon by the end of 2010, so at this point last year, I was on my way to training for a 5K that would take place in Scottsdale AZ in March. I finished that, and in April I ran my second 5K in Philadelphia MS. In May I ran my first 10K in Pensacola FL with Traver! And by November I ran a 1/2 Marathon in Monterey CA with the girls! I cant believe we actually did it! It was a great year!

Sadly I havent run once since the 1/2 Marathon, due to a running injury called Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in my knee, which was caused by the fact that I ran 13.1 miles with my hips out of alignment. I am currently in physical therapy to set my hips straight and stengthen my quad muscles so that my knees will no longer cause me pain and I can be back up and running soon!

So as for my goals, if possible, there is a 1/2 Marathon Relay in Hanford CA in February I would love to run if I can get up to the ability to run 3-4 miles by then. I also intend to run the 10K that the girls ran in May in Reno NV, as one of my best girlfriends will be running the Marathon, and seeing as I wont be ready for that, I can at least be ready for the 10K. I also want to run another 1/2 Marathon this year, probably in the fall again. However, I have already vowed to myself that I will not run another 1/2 until I have a running routine already in place. It was too hard to train when I was trying to train myself to run on a weekly schedule and train for a 1/2. So I want to get running on a regular basis first and then start training. But I do intend to keep running and run more races, so look forward to more posts about how its coming along!


Monday, November 15, 2010


WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The half marathon is complete! YAY! I drove up to Monterey on Saturday, got there at about 12 and met the girls around 1, we went and had a quick lunch and got all checked in and settled into our rooms. And then we went to drive our course, which was a very good thing on some counts, but on others not so good, it was good on race day to know where everything was... but it totally freaked us all out, by the time we were done and got back to the hotel, we were all feeling sick and nervous, it was not so great. We went to an italian restaurant for dinner so we could CARBO load! Our waiter was great and helped us know exactly what we should get to do our best in the race the next morning. So we all had pasta and lots of bread and lots of water to get ready for race day. We then went to bed as early as possible so we could get enough rest.

RACE DAY! We woke up at 4:30am  so that we could be finished eating and drinking by 5am, 2 hours before the race. We ate and got ready for the race, got our numbers put on, our gu/gel and chomps into our pockets... oh and bandaged my feet, as I got a blister doing my last run on wednesday so I had to bandage my foot up to try to avoid making it worse. Then we met the girls downstairs and walked to the race where we got into our corral, H, to await our time to start. We all matched in our cute matching jackets and we started getting excited, even though nerves were running high. The gun went at 7:05 and they started releasing the corrals, A, B, C ect until they got to H, funny thing, we were taking a picture when they release our corral and we nearly got trampled. But we started off, Katie took off like a bullet, Renee followed her and we didnt see them again until we saw them coming back the other way!

I was doing great, the first several miles were fantastic, I kept really good pace. At around mile 3 my ankles started to hurt, but it wasnt too bad. Amy and PJ caught up with me at about mile 5. At about mile 6 my knees started to hurt but I was still on good pace, I was only a minute or two over my 10K pace. We ran right along the ocean which was beautiful! I wish I had been able to enjoy it more, it was hard with all the pain going on in my body, haha. I ran with Amy and PJ up to and through the turn around, which was at about mile 8. At that point I started to really feel the pain of every step in my knees and ankles... oh and did I mention that the bandage on my foot was rubbing terribly. At mile 9 my hips started to hurt, I felt like I was going to just fall apart all over the road, but I knew I could make it, I had run continuous (other than at aid stations)  up to that point, which was about 3 miles more that I had ever run in my life.

I just kept going and going, between miles 10 and 11 was the worst, I was hurting everywhere I had realized there was no way I was going to come in under 2 hours and 30 minutes, which was my initial goal, I knew I would be very close, but I wouldnt make it, so I was a bit discouraged and in pain, so the majority of my walking happened in this mile. Once I got to mile 12 I had regrouped and decided I would run the last mile without stopping no matter how much it hurt, and off I went. I "weee" down the hill to the aquarium (it was an inside joke between us girls, we were all going to wee like the little pig in that commercial on the down hill to the aquarium.) and was thrilled to the 12 mile mark, 1 mile to go. Thank GOD! I was so glad it was almost over. I got to the last .1 mile and sprinted as hard as possible to the end, and finished! YAY! It felt unbelievable, terrible, exciting... I got my medal and was herded toward the tent with the food, I got my food, water, juice, met with the girls and we tried to relax and not focus too much on the pain in all my body parts!

We all finished, each and everyone of us, all with different aches and pains, but we finished, we toasted with our personalized race glasses, thanks to Renee for those, and enjoyed our champagne and orange juice by the water, it was beautiful and perfect! It was a wonderful, although painful day! We all went back, went to the hot tub and tried to make our achey muscles hurt less. We met other runners there and got to exchange stories. We then took naps/cleaned up and went to a delicious dinner, the perfect end to the day, we had great wine, food and laughed so much it was fantastic! I cant believe its over, but its not the end for me, I plan to keep running, and Ill keep posting as I move along. It was a great experience, and I feel so accomplished (and like I got hit by truck, but that will pass, haha). Well, below are the results of the race!

My Results
Overall Place: 4137/5784
Women: 2420/3776
F 20-24: 132/179
8 Mile Split: 1:26:27
Finish Time: 2:36:35

Overall Place: 5525/5784
Women: 3556/3776
F 50-54: 295/328
8 Mile Split: 1:58:33
Finish Time: 3:27:27

Overall Place: 3998/5784
Women: 2318/3776 
F 55-59: 66/202
8 Mile Split: 1:26:15
Finish Time: 2:33:39

Overall Place: 3659/5784
Women: 2065/3776 
F 55-59: 54/202
8 Mile Split: 1:26:16
Finish Time: 2:27:10

Overall Place: 3654/5784
Women: 2060/3776 
F 50-54: 130/328
8 Mile Split: 1:23:08
Finish Time: 2:27:09

Overall Place:  2119/5784
Women: 990/3776 
F 20-24: 57/180
8 Mile Split: 1:14:05
Finish Time: 2:07:45

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Less than 2 weeks until race day

I cant believe that the race is less than 2 weeks away! Im nervous that its so soon... I actually had a crazy dream last night about it. I dreamt that I forgot tons of my stuff, like all my gels and gu's, and then somehow all my stuff got locked in this random room, and in trying to get it out I started the race late. Then I realized we were running around this school and over all this jungle-gym stuff, it was really weird! Well, it freaked me out and made me realize how behind I am and that I need to try to get several more short runs in before the race!

I have given myself a new race goal... my original goal was to finish in under 2.5 hours... at this point Im not sure that it will happen, my general pace is about 11 min/mile, but that is usually for shorter runs, and since my long runs have been somewhat intermittent and the ones I have done I took walk breaks in, so I know my min/mile pace will be longer than usual, and in order to run the race in under 2.5 hours I need to do less than 11:30 min/mile and Im really not sure that that will happen. So at this point I will be happy to finish under 3 hours, which I think will be totally doable.

Although I am really nervous about the race I am really excited to see the girls! They got to go to lunch and go shopping for matching shirts for us and I so wish I had been able to be there! But I'm really excited to see the new shirts! I think it will be so much fun spending the weekend with the girls! Even the race doesn't go as planned at least I get to see them and spend time with them and enjoy our accomplishment of just finishing. That was what this whole thing was about anyway right, spending time together. Well, I will be sure to post all about it when its over! Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

4 Weeks to the BIG DAY!!!!

So I have been a total slacker when it comes to blogging, but things have been crazy with life lately! Anyway, we are 4 weeks out from the the Half Marathon in Monterey! I cant believe its SO soon! With moving and a new job I cant say that I have giving my training my all. Today was actually the first long run I did in over 3 weeks! But I ran 8 MILES! The longest I have run since my 10K in May! My goal has been to run my long runs on weekends, well they keep getting filled up, and I knew if I missed another long run I would never catch up and be able to complete the race in the time I want! So I got myself an incentive! A brand new running store opened up in a town by us and I am super excited about it, and on Friday I went in and bought two Hammer Gel packets and pair of running "toe socks". The gels are basically a carb shot you take while running to keep your energy up, and the socks have toes! Which I thought might help since my toes sometimes rub together funny and it hurts. So on my run today I wore my new socks, which the jury is still out on, and used my Huckleberry Hammer Gel which was ok, not fantastic, but how great can a gooey substance be when you are having a hard enough time trying to breath! But it did seem to help at least a little bit, I dont think that anything could have covered the pain and fatigue of a long run after not running much though, but at least it did seem to help. I have a Tropical Hammer Gel that has caffeine in it that Ill try this weekend and see if that one does anything different for me. Some of the gels have caffeine and some dont and it all depends on personal preference, I think the ones with caffeine will work better for me, but we'll see. Anyhow, after today Im getting excited for the race, and a little less nervous! And Im pretty close to being on pace for what I want to run the race in, which is really good! Ill try to keep this updated more as we move forward!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Its that time again!

TRAINING TIME!!!! Well us girls are at it again, its time for our team to start training for our half marathon. We finally picked one! We are going to be running the Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay! Its November 14, 2010 and I am so excited! This has been the goal of all this running up till now and now we get to see if pays off! Im a little nervous, because if Im being completely honest, I havent been running much lately! Things have been really busy, but luckily my official training doesnt start until monday! As of Monday I will be into my official training window, 13 weeks of training till race day! Im really excited to get running and to finish this race! It should be an awesome race, its right along the shoreline and looks beautiful, and by november the temperature should be nice and moderate so it should be comfortable for running. Im also really excited to run another race with the girls, this will be the first one since the Run For Ryan House 5K that I have run with them! My goal is to finish in under 2 hours and 30 minutes, so wish me luck and Ill keep you posted on how it goes!!!! 
Ready, Set, GO!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pensacola Fiesta of the Five Flags 10K!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was the big race in Pensacola and it was awesome! Traver and I rented a Casida trailer and drove down Friday night, Boeing in the backseat (which did not turn out so well). We got a late start on the drive, and with towing a trailer and having to stop so Boeing could go outside, the trip took longer than usual. We pulled into the camp ground around 10:30 or so and still had to set up camp, get Boeing ready for bed and then go to bed ourselves, so it was probably 11:30 before we got to go to sleep, and let me tell you 5am comes really early when you go to bed late and are sleeping in an unfamiliar bed. Anyway, we got up and ate breakfast took care of the dog and headed to downtown Pensacola for the race. We thought we were going to be a little late but ended up being there in one of the 1st waves of people to show up. We got our bibs and tshirts and boarded the bus that would take us to the starting line. It was a point to point race, so they bused to the start and we ran back to where we were parked basically. There were 910 racers in the 10K, which is alot of people! I had a hard time getting pumped up for the race, I was tired, and there wasnt anything going on at the start because all the fun stuff was at the finish, so when the started the race I was feeling rather unprepared. Luckily the weather was perfect, it was foggy and completely overcast which meant no sun to make us sweat more than we already were! It was great!

So we started running, Traver took off ahead of me since he runs so much fast and I just started going. The first mile felt long but it was actually really short (9:50, my third shortest mile time EVER), the second mile was a piece of cake and at the end was the first water stop, and the third mile I think was my longest for whatever reason (I think that the one big hill we had was on mile 3 and it was hard) but when I crossed the 5K line (half done) I was at about 33:25 which is a little slower than my first ever 5K pace, but I was trying to keep gas in the tank for the last half. They had another water station after the 5K line which was good and helped me rejuvenate and keep going. Something I really liked about this race was that at every mile there was a marker and a clock to let you know what your time was. Mile 4 felt great and once I was half way into mile 5 I was able to think about how I had never run that far before and that I was accomplishing something new with each step (my longest run in training was 4.5 miles). Once I got to 5 miles I started to feel really good, I only had a mile left, and a mile is nothing, so I just went and was really excited to see Traver waiting for me at the 6 mile marker. He ran with me the last .2 miles as I sprinted in to the finish line! Overall, my body felt pretty good, my legs didnt hurt much and I actually had very little trouble breathing, but my feet and ankles were getting really tired and irritated by the end, so I was glad when I was done and I could walk!

The whole race there was this woman in front of me who reminded me of one of the girls in my running group, Amy, I don't know what exactly reminded me of her, but something did, and from the beginning I told myself I would stick close to her and that in the end I would beat her. She and I went back and forth a few times with who was in front of the other, but in the end I did beat her, and it felt good. I set that goal for myself at the beginning and accomplished it! But every time I saw her and thought of Amy it helped me to keep going! I also realized pretty quickly that I couldn't count down the miles, it seemed way to long when I did that. I distinctly remember looking at my watch after running for only 6 minutes and thinking, I have an hour more of this, oh no! So instead of counting miles, I broke it down into fractions, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 and then one mile left, it made it so much easier, because thinking you have 4-5 miles left is discouraging! Something that was pretty funny was that around mile 3 we ran by some businesses, one of which was a BBQ place that was cooking outside, and it smelled so good, it was very distracting, and another was a bakery and there was a guy with a tray of donuts standing there to give them to runners who wanted a carb boost. If I had seen one person ahead of me take one, I might have taken one, but I surely wasn't going to be the first person to take a donut, so I passed him, sadly!

At the end of the race, they had bananas (my traditional post-race snack) and bagels (which will now become a traditional post-race snack) and water waiting for us which was great. They also had beer, but seeing as when I run with the girls I get champagne after a race, beer was not going to cut it and I decided against it! We waited for the scores to come up and here is how we did:

Traver Fordham
-TIME: 46:47
-Division Place (20-24 men): 5/12
-Place Overall (men): 58/242
-Place Overall (men and women): 64/475

-TIME: 1:06:34
-Division Place (20-24 women): 11/13
-Place Overall (women): 176/233
-Place Overall (men and women): 387/475

I was really excited about my time because it was right at my goal time, I wanted to be under 70 minutes and under 11 min/mile. I did it in 10:43 min/mile! YAY! It was really exciting that I met my goal! I also want to give a shout out to my girls who ran their 10K today in Reno! They did awesome and I am super proud of them! Great job!